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Shout3D™ 2.0 - Wizard QuickStart Tutorial

The <APPLET> tag

Here's the finished <APPLET> tag, as used in the previous HTML page.

<APPLET CODEBASE="../../Shout3d_runtime/codebase" CODE="applets/ExamineApplet.class" ARCHIVE="" WIDTH=320 HEIGHT=240>
<param name="src" value="models/rotatingWindow.wrl">
<param name="background" value="images/shared/sky.gif">
<param name="backgroundStretchToFit" value="true">
<param name="headlightOn" value="true">

It's really rather easy to understand. It points to the ExamineApplet.class, and sets the width and height of the applet window. It indicates where the entire Shout3D Java class library can be found, in the CODEBASE attribute. It provides the path to the desired scene file, rotatingWindow.wrl. And it sets some parameters to provide a background image and a headlight to illuminate the scene. You can find complete information about the use of <APPLET> tags in the User Guide.

It's easy enough to write your own applet tags in a text editor, but the Shout3D Wizard automates the process. The Shout3D Wizard also optimizes your files to speed downloading over the Internet. We'll use the Wizard to put this applet into a Web page.


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